4 Ways You’re Damaging Your Home’s Air Quality

Everyone wants clean air inside their home. Knowing what causes poor air quality can ensure you’re taking the right steps to prevent it. The following are some ways you’re damaging the air quality in your Atlantic Beach, FL, home:


Smoking cigarettes, hookah or any other tobacco product indoors is a surefire way to reduce air quality. The burning of tobacco creates an invisible mix of gases and particles that can remain suspended in the air for hours after smoking has stopped.

Poor Ventilation

Fresh air flowing in and out allows built-up pollutants to escape instead of circulating within your home, and it can also help reduce trapped humidity. When it’s a nice day out, open windows that have screens on them so the air can move freely without insects getting indoors.

Another option for improving ventilation is to use exhaust fans. They’re especially ideal to use in the bathroom while showering and in the kitchen while cooking. Ask a qualified HVAC service technician during an annual maintenance inspection what the best ventilation options would be for your home.

Candles and Incense

Scented candles and incense may be an effective method for releasing a wonderful scent into a room, but they also release particles that linger in the air for hours after lighting. For instance, some scented candles contain chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde that can inflame the lungs or cause cancer. Similarly, incense can also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can cause respiratory irritation and worsen asthma symptoms.

Chemical Cleaners

Bleach, cleaning wipes and sprays are effective for cleaning surfaces, but their ingredients can release contaminants and irritate the eyes, nose and lungs. Consider using natural cleaners instead, such as white vinegar or baking soda, that could be just as effective without the harmful side effects.

The better your air quality is, the more confident you can feel about living in a healthier environment. Call Cool R Us, Inc A/C & Heating for help improving your indoor air quality.

Image provided by iStock

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